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Utah's Premier Professional Theatre in Residence at the University of Utah

Utah's Premier Professional Theatre in Residence at the University of Utah

Director’s Brief: We Bid Adieu to “Sweeney”

Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley has arrived! That is, the cast and director are all here, and the scenic and costume-building processes are underway.


It’s quite a different tone from our dark and bloody Sweeney Todd.


Rehearsals began Monday and the first read-through was a delight. This will be a wonderful holiday diversion for our audience.


After directing our first two shows this season, it’s busy in my office these days as I catch up on casting and design deadlines, as well as beginning to think about next season! (Look for the audience survey coming out in a few weeks; I want to hear what titles are intriguing to you.)


This weekend we bid adieu to the Sweeney company. As I have mentioned before, Sweeney Todd was a “bucket list” show for me. I have wanted to revisit it for years—and to be able to do it here, with all of the bells and whistles, black holes, and turning machinery that our incredible scene shop can provide has been a gift. Another shout out to the amazing Phil Reno, our musical director, without whom this production could not have happened. And then, of course, to the tremendous cast, who are as delightful off stage as they are creepy on stage.


I hope to see them all back here again soon.