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FAQ: Subscriber Renewals for 2021

If you’re a current season subscriber, you should have recently received your season renewal. We understand that our renewal notices may be a little confusing this year.

In fact, it took us months to figure it out. And when we could finally plan the season, we had to revise it all over again. So it is completely understandable if you have questions. Know that we are always available to you (see the contact information at the bottom) and are happy to walk you through your renewal options. In the meantime, we’ve put together some of the most Frequently Asked Questions about renewing for our 2021 season.

What is the deadline for renewing? What happens if I miss it? 

Season subscriber renewals must be completed by July 17, 2020. After that deadline, we will be releasing your favorite seats, and we will no longer be offering your renewal discount, if applicable—although you may still subscribe after that time, if you choose to.

What does the cost of my 3-Play Subscription cover? 

It depends on your ticketing situation: Our 7-Play and Pick 5 subscribers are all in different situations that reflect shows selected, possible exchanges, and/or situations where one or both of the remaining productions were donated back to the theatre (thank you!).

If you had tickets to Something Rotten! we are discounting that ticket off of our 3-Play Subscription.

If you had tickets to Ass, we are providing vouchers (which are in addition to your subscribed seats to Ass) in order to compensate for the tickets you could not use this spring. Those vouchers can be used by anyone you wish, through the rescheduled run of Ass, and in case you’d prefer, you may use those vouchers instead to attend one of two plays in the following season, at no cost. 

We understand that it is inconvenient in these unusual circumstances to postpone shows; we worked very hard to make sure 1) you were compensated for the shows you were not able to see, through either a price reduction, additional tickets, or both; 2) you could retain your season subscription and its benefits, including your preferred seats if not this year, then next; and 3) you could do so in a way that also helps us maintain financial stability during a time when most theatres are in a precarious situation, facing either closing or not accommodating for lost productions.

Ensuring each patron was made “whole” was a huge goal for us in rescheduling the existing shows and adding the new one.

So, am I getting my money back for Something Rotten! and Ass, or not?

Due to COVID-19, both shows were postponed. There is no refund; but if you renew for our 2021 season, your renewal rate is discounted and you are also receiving extra vouchers for Ass. In case you prefer, we can apply those vouchers to one of two plays in the following season instead, at no cost. 

If you don’t renew, while we’d hate to see you leave as a subscriber, you may select new dates for both productions, but we cannot guarantee your usual seats, nor will we be able to preserve them for the following season.

Do I get to keep my seats in 2021-2022 if I don’t renew?

We can only guarantee your usual seats in 2021-2022 if you renew for this season.

I am a RUSH Pass holder; why am I only receiving a $6 discount on renewal?

Unlike tickets, the RUSH Pass does not guarantee a seat; it is used based only on availability. The RUSH Pass for 2021 is $66 for a new subscriber (although we are suspending those sales until we know the impact that social distancing will have on our seating; this option will only be available for renewals at this time). While we are not obligated due to the terms of service to compensate for seats that were not guaranteed, and ended up being unavailable, we realize that our RUSH Passholders are some of our most loyal patrons and devoted theatre fans and we wanted to provide you more.

In normal years, the bulk of the discount of the RUSH Pass is realized in its initial purchase: for example in 2019-2020, at minimum, if space is available, it reflects at least $394 worth of tickets – or even more if you attend any show more than once – for the cost of just $150. Even if you missed two of the seven shows you would have received up to $277 value already for your $150 Rush Pass! But still, we are able to offer renewing subscribers a modest discount and a renewal of $60 (which is worth at least $183 or more, if you visit multiple times), entitling you to see all three shows anytime you want, on a space available basis.

However, we also hope you consider upgrading to a 3-Play Subscription: as the state tiptoes back into allowing theatre events we want to be sure to provide enough space to accommodate any social distancing guidelines the county, state and University require we do; for that reason we do expect single ticket availability to be reduced, especially for the specific days and times you may normally like to attend. We do not expect to have the same flexibility in seating this season, that we have had in the past. A subscription guarantees you a seat, and also provides free exchanges to accommodate a schedule that might change. As a subscriber you will have first priority in receiving tickets and won’t have to wait in line an hour before the show!

What will happen to my Play-by-Play tickets?

Play-by-Play will be re-scheduled in the new season; we are still working to make arrangements. Thank you for your patience!

Will my seating be affected by social distancing? 

To plan for possible social distancing guidelines, we have currently blocked off every other row of the theater and will not be seating any new subscriber in those rows. We will be adjusting all of our seating to meet the guidelines at the time of your performance; unfortunately we do not know today, as we are sure you understand, what those guidelines will be.

We will get as close as we can to your regular season seat and still maintain the recommended distance. However, even if we can’t keep your exact seats in this shorter, unusual season, we promise that with your season renewal, we will continue to reserve those seats for you for the 2012-2022 season. We appreciate your understanding and willingness to travel this adventure with us!

When will I receive my new tickets?

We will be sending out tickets closer to the end of the year, when we have a better understanding of the social distancing guidelines that might be in place when our season starts. We will keep you posted, but feel free to email any questions you have.

I filled out at a form about moving my tickets and I have not heard back. What will my new day be?

We will be change the tickets closer to the end of the year when we know more about the social distancing guidelines.

I haven’t received any of your emails; how do I get regular information from you?

We need your email address to send you information. You can add your email from the form on our home page (near the bottom) of pioneertheatre.org. If we have your email address but you don’t receive emails, is it possible that you have unsubscribed? If so, you can only re-subscribe yourself; we cannot re-add you. If you have an old email from us, you can use the link at the bottom to re-subscribe. Or feel free to email [email protected] and we’ll help you out.

How can we contact you with questions?

To minimize the impact on building sanitation and safety, we do not have regular access to our box office but we are available by phone at 801-581-6961 from 10AM to 2PM on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. We are closed to walk-in patrons, at this time, unfortunately. Please do not come to the box office or to the theatre. The public is not permitted.

You can however email us at [email protected] and we will reply within 24 business hours. Our staff continues to serve you remotely and our email is checked constantly.


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