Utah's Premier Professional Theatre in Residence at the University of Utah

Utah's Premier Professional Theatre in Residence at the University of Utah

The Company _ Credit_ BW Productions

The Cast of ‘Murder on the Orient Express’ Pays Homage to Film Noir

Earlier this fall, the cast of our season opener, Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express, assembled for a special content shoot.

Inspired by old Hollywood promotional stills from the 1930s, the PTC Marketing Team worked with our content partners at BW Productions to evoke the shadow and light associated with spine-tingling thrillers circa the original printing of Murder on the Orient Express.

The stunning results are available to view in the gallery below, which features the incomparable cast of the much-lauded Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express: Bonnie Black, Amy Bodnar, Gisela Chípe, Edward Juvier, Matthew McGloin, Andrea Morales, Alec Ruiz, Robert Scott Smith, Anne Tolpegin, and John Tufts.

Photography: Stephanie Dunn for BW Productions
Direction: Karen Azenberg
Concept: Joshua Black


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