Utah’s Premier Professional Theatre in Residence at the University of Utah

Director’s Brief: “Scenes” from New York

A few photos from New York!

I am here doing auditions for Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley and The Lion in Winter. I was joined for a few days by PTC Board Member Pat Hemingway and PTC Guild Member Cheryl Groot. They spent some time in auditions (then we did some shopping!) and saw Pretty Woman—which features several of our PTC alums, including: Musical Director Will Van Dyke (Composer for i); actor Matt Stocke (Chess); and pictured below with Pat and Cheryl, Matt Farcher (The Count of Monte Cristo).

I’ve included a photo of Bob Cline. If you recognize the name, it’s because you see it in every one of our playbills. Bob is our Casting Director in New York, and is in part responsible for all the wonderful New York actors that come out to PTC. (Nice to put a face with the name.)

As always, we also did “Broadway Monday” at Dive 106, a new establishment opened by another PTC alum, Howard Kaye (Oliver!, Peter and the Starcatcher).

Somewhere between five days of auditions, two meetings with producers about new projects, four meetings with directors, I also had coffee with Ryan Graytok, who’s coming to Salt Lake for Sweeney Todd as a part of the Stage Directors and Choreographers Foundation Observership Program. This program gives early-career directors the opportunity to observe more experienced directors working in the Broadway and Regional theatre arenas.

Last, the Oslo cast is riding high after last weekend’s visit from playwright J.T. Rogers. It was an exciting time and I hope you got a chance to see one of the final performances. The Sweeney Todd cast arrived Sunday, and began moving in as the Oslo cast moved out. Also arriving are the director and actors for Art & Class, our first Play-By-Play reading, on Friday and Saturday this week.

Another busy week at the Pioneer Theatre Company!


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