Author: Joshua Black

Opening Night Blog: SWEENEY TODD

Halloween Alter Egos by PTC blogger Lansia Wann Sweeney Todd fully falls into the spirit of Halloween. Walking into the theatre last Friday on opening night, I couldn’t remember, for

Director’s Brief: Messy and Fun!

Happy Friday – First day of tech for Sweeney Todd – we are bathed in blood, bodies, and meat pies in various stages of completion. Messy and fun!

Stripes: More Than Meets the Eye

By Vreni Romang, PTC Publicity Manager   Oh, I can see us now In our bathing dresses You in a nice navy And me….stripes perhaps –          By The Sea, Sweeney

Director’s Brief: Razors and Friends

Last weekend was our first Play by Play of this season. Did you miss it? Big mistake! It was a smashing success. Matthew Ivan Bennett’s smart and timely play Art

Opening Night Blog: OSLO

by PTC blogger Lansia Wann Pick Your Own Battle My entire life, I have mostly lived in the dark. I shied away from the news, I tended to not read

RadioWest to Interview J.T. Rogers

Doug Fabrizio of KUER’s RadioWest will host a special post-show talkback with Oslo playwright J.T. Rogers. The one-hour conversation will take place directly after the September 22 matinee performance, expected to

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