Utah's Premier Professional Theatre in Residence at the University of Utah

Utah's Premier Professional Theatre in Residence at the University of Utah

Category: Blog


2019 Bravo! Gala

Join us for the 2019 Bravo! Gala, honoring A. Scott and Jesselie Anderson for their enduring commitment to Pioneer Theatre Company, our community and the vibrancy of the arts in

Director’s Brief: 2019-2020 Season Excitement

Can I brag a little about our programming for next season? It’s just that I’m so pleased we’re offering our subscribers and patrons such an exciting blend: musicals, a drama,

Director’s Brief: What is a Concert Musical?

What is a concert musical? I’ve come to expect—at the time of year when we’re producing our concert musical—that this question will arise. Well, certainly we all know what a

Opening Night Blog: Once Upon a Time

Our intrepid Opening Night blogger Lansia Wann wanders into the cast party after each opening with some weighty thoughts, enlisting the cast and staff’s input. Here’s the ONCE edition. Once

Director’s Brief: The Future of PTC

Keep your eyes peeled for breaking news at PTC next week! Maybe it’s news about our 2019–2020 season—not that I could tell you anything now. (But if you can guess

Thank you, Pioneer Theatre Company staff

I want to salute the staff of Pioneer Theatre Company this week. In the days before tech, every hour is at a premium. That was definitely the case this week,

Director’s Brief: Back from New York…

I write this at 30,000 feet—returning from a busy week in New York where the temperatures were frigid! I saw four shows: Prom, Choir Boy, Network and King Kong. Four very


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